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The content of this presentation is provided to an audience of international healthcare professionals from around the world for scientific discussion and scientific exchange. Bayer does not recommend the use of any drug substance outside of its approved indications.

At the moment of publication, the compound presented has been only approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA). For other approvals, follow your local regulations or health authorities legislation.

American College of CardiologyPostersApril 2–4, 2022

Clinical posters of the ACC 2022 congress

Please see below to download PDFs of the posters and view videos of the presentations of the posters at the ACC 2022. Videos and Posters will be available to view following presentation at the congress.

Some of the links to view the Presentations or Posters will link to the official ACC 2022 congress website. You may need to be a registered delegate and logged in the respective platform to view the content.


Monday 4 April, 2022 | 13:00 - 13:10 EST | On Demand
Finerenone And Cardiorenal Outcomes By History Of Cardiovascular Disease In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: Fidelity Analyses

Presentation/Abstract #: 411-10 [Oral Presentation]Session: Session 411 - Featured Clinical Research III Presenter: Gerasimos Filippatos
